Culture drives communications in the North! To promote economic growth, sector development and innovation in the mining industry, the Mine Training Society (MTS) is proposing to increase the number of Northwest Territories' and Nunavut residents working in the mining industry. To strengthen MTS capacity and to better serve our northern communities, MTS will be implementing a new communications strategy “Connecting Our Communities”. This new strategy will have a role model campaign, a social media strategy, and more importantly community consultations and stakeholders’ meetings. By expanding and enhancing current programs MTS is better able to meet the industry demand for skilled workers. MTS has developed more programs to meet the needs of mine start-up, operations and reclamation.
MTS will be scheduling community consultations across the North to listen to residents on what they want, how we can better serve them, promote careers in mining, educate on MTS programs and recruit participants. Stakeholders meetings will be held once per year at the end of April, with a conference tentatively scheduled for 2021.Our focus is to provide community support and deliver expert training to our smaller communities in order to promote skill development of Northerners
The Mine Training Society has two new proposed training to employment strategies under the Employment and Social Development Canada, Youth Employment and Skills Strategy. The funding for these programs is specific to youth, 18-30 years, targeting women, youth at risk, Indigenous youth and new to Canada youth. “Beginning to End” is an industry-driven strategy specific to the Northwest Territories, with some of the training rotated to various communities. “Resources North” is a national strategy in partnership with the Kitikmeot Inuit Association, Nunavut and North Island College, British Columbia.