Establishment of Dınàgà Wek’èhodì as a protected area is moving forward. The Tłı̨chǫ Government, the Government of the Northwest Territories and other Indigenous Governments are collaborating to achieve a shared vision for this culturally and ecologically significant area.

In 2007, Elders and representatives from the Tłı̨chǫ Government met with members of the federal and territorial government to express their interest in protecting several sites in the Tłı̨chǫ region, including the Dınàgà Wek'èhodì area. Elders developed a preliminary study area in 2008 for the candidate protected area – including the shoreline of the North Arm, K'ıchıì (Whitebeach Point), small islands and some water extending from the shoreline. A comprehensive, multi-stakeholder conservation planning process was initiated in 2010, to gather information on the cultural, economic and econmic values of the area.

The establishment and management of Dınàgà Wek’èhodì will result in the protection, conservation and maintenance of biodiversity, ecological integrity and cultural continuity; it will promote reconciliation, advance government to government relationships, and contribute to economic diversification for the benefit of Indigenous peoples. It will create a foundation for growing sustainable and healthy communities through the pursuit of conservation economies. Future management of Dınàgà Wek’èhodì will incorporate climate change, human well-being, sustainable livelihoods and economic prosperity considerations based on the best science and traditional indigenous knowledge.

To advance the establishment of Dınàgà Wek’èhodì, the GNWT and the Tłı̨chǫ Government are leading the collaborative development of a management and monitoring framework in partnership with the Yellowknives Dene First Nation (YKDFN), Northwest Territory Métis Nation (NWTMN), North Slave Métis Alliance (NSMA) and the Wek′èezhìi Renewable Resource Board (WRRB). This framework will inform the establishment of Dınàgà Wek’èhodì and set the stage for future management and monitoring.

Tłı̨chǫ Government has created a special zone in the Tłı̨chǫ Wenek’e (Tłı̨chǫ Land Use Plan) known as Dèk’easıìɂedaà Wèhǫǫdıa (Habitat Management Zone), which complements the future Dınàgà Wek’èhodì protected area. The shoreline of the North Arm of Great Slave Lake, within Tłı̨chǫ Lands, are protected under chapter 16 of the Tłı̨chǫ Agreement. Dinàgà Wek’èhodì as both an Indigenous protected area and future territorial protected area, covers an area of 750 km², adjacent to Tłı̨chǫ lands in Mǫwhì Gogha Dè Nı̨ı̨tłèè, within the Wek′èezhìi Resource Management Area. The northeast and southwest boundaries are adjacent to Tłı̨chǫ settlement lands. The current Interim Land Withdrawal (ILW) is in place until October 2020.