The Snap Lake Mine is a former underground diamond mine operated by De Beers Canada Inc.( De Beers), located about 220 km northeast of Yellowknife in the Northwest Territories. The Snap Lake Mine operated from 2008 to 2015 and De Beers submitted the Final Closure and Reclamation Plan for the mine. The mine is currently in it fourth year of being managed in a state of  Extended Care and Maintenance (ECM) . 

Activities during ECM include monitoring of water quality and other environmental parameters, collecting and treating effluent and making sure that water leaving the site meets water license requirements. Physical infrastructure such as the airstrip, roadways, buildings, processed kimberlite containment facilities and associated surface water infrastructure such as pumps, sumps and channels need  to be kept in a safe and operable condition. After a trail-run of reduced camp occupancy in 2017, the site was fully winterized and demobilized in September 2018. This update will review the first seasonal zero occupancy at Snap Lake, as well as the work completed in spring/summer of 2019.