Mining Matters is a charitable organization whose mission is to educate young people to develop knowledge and awareness of Earth sciences, the minerals industry, and their roles in society. The organization provides current information about rocks, minerals, metals, mining and the diverse career opportunities available in the minerals industry. Mining Matters offers exceptional educational resources that meet provincial curriculum expectations, created by educators and Earth science experts. Since its founding in 1994, Mining Matters has reached an estimated 750,000 teachers, students and members of the public.

Mining Matters has been working in partnership with the Government of the Northwest Territories, Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment to deliver Earth science and mineral resources content in numerous communities, including Tulita, Norman Wells, Coville Lake, Deline, Fort Good Hope, Yellowknife (including teachers from Whatì, Gamètì and Wekweètì), Dettah, Ndilo, Behchokǫ and Hay River, developed with sensitivity to the importance Indigenous communities play in resources stewardship, management and development.

Through our Mining Rocks Earth Science Program, we facilitate engaging hands-on learning activities for young people. Students match everyday items to the minerals from which they are made, learn about the mineral resource development cycle, test mineral properties, engineer a headframe, design a water filtration system and create items with metals.

Mining Matters raises awareness about the wide range of career opportunities available in the minerals industry through interaction with professionals and showcasing career resources from Students from Yellowknife and Behchokǫ participated in field trips to Ranney Hill Geological Interpretive Trail, led by career role models from TerraX Minerals Inc. There, students discovered the geology of the area and learned how to examine rocks using geological equipment.

Mining Matters has participated in the Yellowknife Geoscience Forum and the Northwest Territories Teachers’ Association Conference. Our Teacher Training Workshop provided educators with resources including lesson plans, rock and mineral samples, equipment and teaching strategies that met curriculum connections in Earth science and mineral resources education.

The Geoscience Aware Challenge was created for the Girl Guides of Canada, Manitoba Chapter, through a partnership among Mining Matters, Girl Guides of Manitoba, the Government of Manitoba, and the Canadian Geoscience Education Network. The Challenge activity book explores a series of Geoscience Literacy Principles through more than 30 hands-on learning activities. Guides, ranging from Sparks through to Rangers, earn their Challenge crest by completing a requisite number of activities, depending on Guide level, associated with each of the stated Geoscience Literacy Principles. Future plans include partnering with NWT Girl Guides to expand the Geoscience Aware Challenge into the Territory. This would involve creating local and regional content to reflect the geology of the Territory and the interests of the local and regional Guide communities.