The Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board (Review Board) has worked hard to be known as a leader and innovator in the field of impact assessment. In recent years, there have been several initiatives to review and evolve the federal, territorial, and provincial impact assessment regimes that have resulted in significant changes to legislation and practice. The Review Board, in an effort to remain at the forefront of impact assessment best practice, has developed a perspectives paper that:

  • Describes the Review Board’s unique approach to impact assessment and why
  • Serves as a basis for improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the Review Board's process
  • Support other parts of the integrated land and resource management system to improve practices and to make better informed decisions
  • Support the Review Board to lead and participate in collaborative initiatives that could inform the impact assessment processes in other jurisdictions

This paper outlines the "hot topics" or emerging themes in the impact assessment world, why they matter, and why they are important to the Review Board. Some of the key themes that will be highlighted are:

  • Well-being and sustainability assessment
  • Collaborative project planning and early engagement
  • Climate change
  • Cumulative effects and regional strategic environmental assessment

For each theme we outline the current "state of play", existing challenges, best or emerging practices, and desired future outcomes.

This presentation will highlight the findings of the perspectives paper and will initiate future engagement on these emerging themes with interested parties who engage in the Review Board's process.