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NWT Open File 2014-08 (pdf/9.64 MB)
Kokelj (2013) Journal of Geophysical Research - Earth Surface 118 (pdf/5.68 MB)
2012 NWT Mineral Exploration Overview (pdf/3.2 MB)
2011 NWT Mineral Exploration Overview (pdf/8.3 MB)
2010 NWT Mineral Exploration Overview (pdf/6.62 MB)
Strategic Plan 2011-2016 - Summary (pdf/6.63 MB)
Strategic Plan 2011-2016 - French (2011-2016 Strategic Plan_French/4.34 MB)
Northwest Territories Geological Survey Strategic Plan 2011-2016 (2011-2016 Strategic Plan /3.78 MB)
2009 NWT Mineral Exploration Overview (pdf/962.95 KB)
2008 NWT Mineral Exploration Overview (pdf/755.54 KB)
Deline Geology Mapping Project (pdf/1.24 MB)
2007 NWT Mineral Exploration Overview (pdf/804.32 KB)
2006 NWT Mineral Exploration Overview (pdf/921.4 KB)
2004 NWT Mineral Exploration Overview (pdf/1.58 MB)
2005 Exploration Overview (pdf/1.22 MB)
2003 NWT Mineral Exploration Overview (pdf/815.19 KB)
A Guide to Fossils in the Norman Wells Area, Northwest Territories (pdf/1.16 MB)
2002 NWT Mineral Exploration Overview (pdf/684.11 KB)