What is an Assessment Report?
An Assessment Report is produced by companies and prospectors that have mineral claims in the Northwest Territories (NWT). The report describes work that has been done to advance the geological knowledge of a mineral claim and is required by the Mining Regulations of the Northwest Territories Land Act. Assessment reports disclose specific operational, technical, and financial information of the work including geology maps, sample analyses and geophysical data. Assessment reports are released for public usage three years after submission. Once released, the reports represent a vast source of information on the mineral resources of the NWT. The Northwest Territories Geological Survey (NTGS) provides access to assessment reports through our web applications and in-person services at our office in Yellowknife.
Accessing Assessment Reports
The NTGS houses an archive of over 4000 NWT Assessment Reports from the 1940's to present. All published reports are available for viewing on request. These reports are also available for download through our Web Applications. When searching for NWT Assessment Reports start by querying our References Application. Select 'Assessment Report' as the reference type and enter the NTS map sheet of interest. Alternatively, try searching by author or area. The more criteria used the fewer results are generated. All Reports are free to download.
The Northwest Territories Mining Regulations
Assessment reports are used to verify the exploration work and spending required to keep mineral claims valid as described in the Northwest Territories Mining Regulations. The exploration work and spending outlined in the reports is reviewed by the Geologists at the NTGS. The Mining Recorder's Office can provide more information on mineral tenure, licensing, and regulatory requirements in the Northwest Territories. The Mineral Tenure Web Map can be used to view current data on mineral properties in the NWT.