
Director / Administration

(867) 767-9211 x63200
Jill Eirikson, Operations and Finance Officer
(867) 767-9211 x63202

Mineral Deposits and Bedrock Mapping

Vacant, Manager
(867) 767-9211
Rebecca Canam, Project Geologist
(867) 767-9211 x63221
Geologist leaning on RC Drill
Barrett Elliott, Diamond Geologist
(867) 767-9211 x63210
Beth Fischer, Project Geologist. Credit: NTGS.
Beth Fischer, Project Geologist
(867) 767-9211 x63212
Bernadette Knox, Project Geologist. Credit: NTGS.
Bernadette Knox, Project Geologist
(867) 767-9211 x63207
Gideon Lambiv, Industrial Minerals Geologist
Gideon Lambiv Dzemua, Industrial Minerals Geologist
(867) 767-9211 x63209
Edith Martel, Project Geologist. Credit: NTGS.
Edith Martel, Project Geologist
(867) 767-9211 x63211
Philippe X. Normandeau, Surficial Geologist. Credit: NTGS.
Philippe X. Normandeau, Surficial Geologist
(867) 767-9211 x63204
Asif Mirza, Geophysicist. Credit: NTGS.
Asif Mirza, Geophysicist
(867) 767-9211 x63203
Merilie Reynolds, Mineral Deposits Geologist
(867) 767-9211 x63222

Environmental / Permafrost Science

Steve Kokelj, Permafrost Scientist. Credit: NTGS.
Steve Kokelj, Senior Permafrost Scientist
(867) 767-9211 x63214
Ashley Rudy, Permafrost Geohazard Scientist
(867) 767-9211 x 63208
Niels Weiss, Permafrost Data Scientist
(867) 767-9211 x63218
Alice Wilson, Permafrost Scientist
(867) 678-0261
Alexandre Chiasson, Terrain Scientist
(867) 767-9211 x63202

Information Services

Viktor Terlaky, Senior Petroleum Geologist. Credit: NTGS.
Viktor Terlaky, Assistant Director, Information Services Manager
(867) 767-9211 x63213
Sarah Gervais, Geoscientist, Geoscience Editor
(867) 767-9211 x63223
Landen Powell, Outreach Geologist. Credit: NTGS.
Landen Powell, Outreach Geologist
(867) 767-9211 x63216
Kelly Pierce, Geomatics Specialist
(867) 767-9211 x63219
Sheriff Ola, GIS Librarian
(867) 767-9211 x63215
Vivi Lazar, Network Administrator. Credit: NTGS.
Vivi Lazar, Network Administrator
(867) 767-9211 x63220

Energy Geosciences

S.M. Talha Qadri, Manager, Energy Geoscience
(867) 767-9211 x63212
Jonathan Rocheleau, Petroleum Geologist. Credit: NTGS.
Jonathan Rocheleau, Energy Geologist
(867) 767-9211 x63206
Yaqub Adepoju, Senior Energy Geologist
(867) 767-9211 x63205