Sharrie Lake Geological Map selected for ESRI Canada's Calendar
ESRI Canada solicits ArcGIS users each year to submit their work for inclusion in their map calendar. The selected maps illustrate how ArcGIS users across Canada are doing exceptional work that improves our environment, economy, and society through mapping and analytics.
ESRI's 2018 Map Calendar will feature a geology map by the NWT Geological Survey's Geomatics Specialist, Kelly Pierce. The map depicts the detailed geological mapping of 2.6 to 2.7 billion-year-old volcanic rocks in the Sharrie Lake area of the Northwest Territories. This map is one of many excellent peer-reviewed publications produced each year by the Northwest Territories Geological Survey.
Kelly Pierce's map is included in the following publication:
Jackson, V.A., Williams, B., Berger, A., and Ootes, L., 2015. Geology of the Volcanic Rocks at Sharrie Lake, Southern Slave Craton, NWT (part of NTS 85I/10 and 11); Northwest Territories Geological Survey, NWT Open Report 2015-024. 1 map, scale 1:10,000, and two accompanying tables. [click Search & Display to download the publication]