Aeromagnetic survey of the central Slave craton area, Northwest Territories

Aeromagnetic survey of the central Slave craton area, Northwest Territories

Aeromagnetic products with 3D view, central Slave craton area, Northwest Territories.


The aeromagnetic data can illustrate the presence of certain rock types, anomalous zones and structures in the Earth’s upper crust. To achieve this objective, a high-resolution aeromagnetic data survey was performed with specifications such as nominal traverse line spacing 100 m with east-west direction and control lines spacing 600 m with north-south direction. The nominal aircraft terrain clearance was 60 m with drape flying. A total of 87,696 line-km data was acquired, covering approximately 7,500 km2.

General location of the central Slave craton area (covering NTS map sheets 75M and N), Northwest Territories


The survey area is located in the Slave craton of the Northwest Territories, covering a block of ground on NTS map sheets 75M and 75N.

Residual Total Magnetic Field of the central Slave craton survey area, Northwest Territories


Previous to this study, only low-resolution regional aeromagnetic data was publically available, and this new high-resolution aeromagnetic data can be used by multiple stakeholders to enhance geoscience knowledge, promote mineral exploration, and inform land use planning decisions. This survey is located over an under-explored area between active diamond mines, where a number of magnetic anomalies may suggest diamond potential.

Digital Elevation Model of the central Slave craton survey area, Northwest Territories.


EON Geoscience Inc. (EON) carried out this fixed-wing aircraft aeromagnetic survey using three aircraft equipped with cesium vapour magnetometers located in the tail booms of each aircraft. High-resolution data products were provided by EON in Geosoft’s database and grids along with Geotiffs and PDF formats.

Location of aeromagnetic survey block in the central Slave craton area, Northwest Territories.


The central Slave craton aeromagnetic survey was flown from Yellowknife, as a base of operations from February 15th to April 20th, 2017. The data was published by Northwest Territories Geological Survey (NTGS) as NWT open report 2017-014 (Mirza and Elliott, 2017) in July 2017.

One of the aircraft used for the aeromagnetic survey of central Slave craton area, Northwest Territories. (Credit: NTGS)

Partners and Support

The work was funded by a joint-agreement between the NTGS and the Canadian Northern Development Agency (CanNor).

EON Geoscience Inc. (EON) carried out this survey.


Airborne Geophysics, magnetic, central Slave craton area, Lac de Gras, fixed wing, aeromagnetic, Munn Lake, Margaret Lake, Zyena Lake