Delineation of Watersheds in the Mackenzie Mountains
The Northwest Territories Geological Survey (NTGS) has been completing a regional stream sediment sampling program across the Mackenzie Mountains, in partnership with the Geological Survey of Canada. To go with the geochemical analyses from this program, a project was undertaken to develop a detailed set of drainage basins for this region. The final product will present a nested series of watersheds based on stream segment order.
To interpret the results of the geochemical analyses, it was required to have detailed watershed data created from stream segment order. However, the best publicly available watersheds for the study area are at approximately a 1:1,000,000 scale. The detailed data necessary for the sampling program did not previously exist.
To derive the watersheds for the study area, an ESRI ArcGIS geoprocessing model was used (courtesy of R. Fraser, Canada Centre for Remote Sensing). A digital elevation model (DEM) and hydrology (watercourse and waterbody) data are needed for this model. All inputs are at a 1:50,000 scale, which is the most detailed existing public data for the study area.
Watershed, Drainage basin, Mackenzie, Mountains, Geodatabase, GIS